Black Sabbath "Supernaut"

Today's song is "Supernaut" by Black Sabbath. Sabbath was always a band that I threw on the back-burner for some reason. Of course I had heard "War Pigs", "Paranoid", and possibly by least favorite song by the group, "Iron Man". It wasn't until an interaction with a co-worker, who was geared up to see a show of the recently re-united group in Kansas City, for one of their last tours, that I really decided to give them a shot and delve into their music. Sabbath had one of the most important influences in metal and hard-rock than people (or at least I) realized. After a conversation that took place with this co-worker I decided to dig a little deeper into the renowned Black Sabbath. I happened to just pick a random album, "Vol. 4", and click the first song that appealed to me. The song was "Supernaut", now my absolute favorite Sabb ath song. Upon my first listen I asked my self, "Where the hell have I been?...