Interpol "Obstacle 1"

My favorite song. That's right. My favorite song ever. I knew it was the moment I heard it. "Obstacle 1" by Interpol. The first time I heard it was in a skatevideo called "Yeah Right" by Girl skateboards during Brian Anderson's killer part. I'll never forget how catchy that opening riff was. That lone guitar strumming along until layer after layer of more guitar, drums, and bass comes in at the right time punctuating the layers perfectly. Just jamming along when Paul Banks almost whispers in, "I wish I could eat the salt all of your lost faded lips.
The song is underscored, without a doubt, with a sorrow-filled reflection of how things were...and if they could be again. This woman who he adores and has had many incredible times with "can read". Well I would hope she can read, right? 

What she is reading is the feelings of the main character (maybe Paul or another man) and how this man feels for her. 

It's the tried and true tale of two friends. One happens be in love with the other; the other just enjoys being friends. From there we can understand how this all becomes so frustrating and confusing. Maybe some of us have been in that situation. I know I have. It's a heartbreaking and an isolated feeling. The feelings just aren't mutual. A friendship is ruined and a loving crush is shattered,"she puts the weight into my little heart".

For me personally, it was always the composition of the music. I will be the first to tell you that I, for some reason, don't pay too much to the lyrics. This has always been a flaw of mine. Not that I don't appreciate them; I've just always been more interested in the music...almost as if the lyrics/vocals were another instrument. And on my first listen I just couldn't help feel how baddass the arrangement and melody on this song was. It appears dismal and as much as I hate to say...depressing.

But after digging deeper and finally understanding the full context, it makes sense why the song is on the sad side. The cohesiveness of the lyrics and tones of the music make sense and feel right. 

Maybe I was in a similar stance when I heard the song. Or maybe I just thought the song sounded cool. Regardless, it's sill my favorite song ever. 

What's your favorite song?


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