The Men "Shittin' With the Shah"

One of my favorite albums is "Leave Home" by The Men. It was a slow building relationship. But the mystery and rawness of it kept me comin' back and appreciating more and more of it over time. It's definitely a hard record to like at first listen. After they recorded it they themselves found it a bit much.

But that's exactly why I love it.

One after another are these pounding rock anthems that are shoved down your throat. "L.A.D.O.C.H" is almost unlistenable. It's so fuckin ridiculous it makes me laugh. But the band knows its funny and raw.

Following the rock adventure of "Bataille" comes the album relief. Up unto this point you've been screamed at and pulverized with no remorse for six songs. But here is a breath of fresh air... "Shittin' With The Shah", one of the best song titles ever. There is calm. It's a bit sullen and feels like a moment of guilty reflection. Almost as if exhausted from a long, grueling experience. The cavernous rhythm guitar plays that same melody over and over while the lead rides along. It's a slow burner. Stick with it and you WILL be rewarded.

Things calm down and the drums stop. But you know something big is coming as that guitar twangs and the bass pedal starts bumpin.

All the instruments burst forth and you can't help but feel victorious! It's an absolutely gnarly conclusion to a relentless album of raw punk rock. The louder you listen to those guitars shred the better the moment is.

Very rewarding ending that will leave you satisfied. It actually isn't the last song on the album but it definitely feels like the end of the journey; the crescendo.

"Night Landing" is actually the last song and is the absolute best credit rolling tune. The Men leave the album with bottled up angry guitars and that uncomfortable presence.

Give this album sometime! You'll be glad ya did.


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