WU LYF "We Bros"

I sat and pondered all the songs I could think of that had something to do with the new year. I considered The Walkmen's "In the New Year" or even "New Years Eve". Deathcab For Cutie's "The New Year" came to mind too. Despite their pertinent subjects, none of them felt like the right choice. I wanted to choose something triumphant; something that reflected the experiences of 2017 while simultaneously anticipating 2018.

Enter WU LYF, which stands for World Unite! Lucifer Youth Foundation. WU LYF was a short lived four piece "heavy pop"band from Manchester, England. They put out one phenomenal album called "Go Tell Fire to the Mountain", which was probably my favorite album of 2011, before they called it quits. While I could write pages on their time as a band and their mysterious presence, I'm going to focus more on their colossal mid album song "We Bros".

Like I mentioned earlier, I wanted to choose something big for the new years. It's kind of funny because I actually forgot all about this band and this album. I was trying to conjure up songs that provided a sense of hope and a feeling of victory. Out of nowhere WU LYF popped into my head. It was kind of wild. "We Bros" may not be about "a new year", but its sound definitely embodies what I yearn for in 2018.

While I hate to focus on myself, I want to try and relate and provide encouragement with this song. 2017 was a challenging year for me and I'm sure for many of you too. Something I want to instill in myself and others is that...we can do anything if we put our minds to it. I know, we've all heard this shit before and it's pretty obvious. But really, we can. What is it that you want to accomplish in 2018? What goals do you have? You may be on top of the world at this moment and feel like everything is fine. But there is always something more we can achieve. I realize I am speaking generally, but that's the point. It can be ANYTHING.

So here's to 2018. Here's to you and me. Here's to MUSIC! Play this song as loud as you can and focus on what you want out of the new year. We are in this together.

P.S. I want to sincerely thank all of you who read this blog. Music is one of the most important things in my life. I absolutely love sharing and discussing music with others. I started this blog out of love for music, and a way to keep myself form indulging in bad habits that I have formed over the years. I'm not really concerned about making money or getting big off of this. Honestly, if I can expand people's taste in music and somehow reciprocate the notion...that's enough for me.

One thing I do hope for in 2018 is more feedback. I want to hear why you do or don't like the music I chose. I want to hear what you would chose for the "Song of the Day" instead. Music is a very personal thing for everybody and I'm very interested in what clicks with people and what doesn't.

I love you all and I truly hope the best for you in the future!


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