Guess Who "Undun"

I apologize for lack of posting here lately. I told myself from the start that I wouldn't let "life" get in the way. But lo-and-behold..."life" happened...and I failed to post anything for a couple of day. But I will get back on track and get songs posted everyday.

Here's a tune by the band Guess Who called "Undun". Randolph Charles Bachman the founding member and lead guitarist of the Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive apparently wrote this tune after witnessing a girl trip acid at a party and then go into a coma.

I was trying to form my own understanding on this song before I read about it and wasn't really getting anywhere. But a girl tripping acid makes sense given the lyrics.

"She found a mountain that was far too high, 
and when she found out she couldn't fly,
It was too late"

Despite it's rather morbid subject matter, the song is a fun tune and almost kind of jazzy. I've been jammin to thing for quite sometime now. The drums on this thing are quick and keep the beat up exceptionally. There's also a flute solo! Hope you enjoy.


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