Danny Watts "Pill"

"Seein' death is a hard pill to swallow..." How about those lyrics right there?

Danny Watts. I'm hoping people start hearing this name more often. Danny is about as real as it gets when it comes to hip-hop. I first learned of Danny Watts when I went to a Jonwayne show (I would highly suggest you check out Jonwayne). It was the first and only rap show I've ever been to and it absolutely set the bar high for future shows I (hopefully) attend.

Jonwayne was the headliner, and Danny Watts went right before him. But I want to mention an opening act, local to Kansas City, who I will not name. This solo-rapper from KC took to the stage and opened his set with something along the lines of, "...so everyone throw up a middle finger and say with me... Fuck.Life...Fuck.Life...Fuck.Life.” He then proceeded to rap over an alarming amount of people chanting this.

This dude’s set, which I didn’t stay long for, ended and some other people came up and did their thing. I remember being at the bar and just chillin with my buddy Colin from Omaha, NE and the energy from the stage started creepin throughout the whole venue and bar. It was Danny Watts. He had my undivided attention. I remember how the whole crowd was silent and just focused on the stage. His delivery, his flow; everything about him just oozed confidence and sincerity.

Halfway through his set, I'm still in awe of this dude, and he starts talkin to the crowd. He explained how he had got to the point of being on a stage, doing what he loved in front of people and touring with Jonwayne. He was literally working at a Costco, in the optics department, and eventually took a shot and contacted Jon. And now here he was. His words were positive and his stories were from someone who had been though some real shit. Which is why I chose "Pill", from his new album "Black Boy Meets World" as today's song. Listen to the lyrics about him literally holding his friend as he was dying after being shot in the street.

You may be wondering why I spoke about the "Fuck Life" guy. I couldn't help but remark to my buddy how Danny Watts, who had the whole crowd's attention, rapped fluidly and spoke words of encouragement to the same group of people who had just chanted along to "Fuck Life" from a pretty lousy rapper.

It was honestly one of the most inspiring things I have ever witnessed. Please check this dude out.


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