Buckingham Nicks "Frozen Love"

Happy birthday to the most sweetest, compassionate, and sincere woman in my life...my mom! The Mom-Bomb!

As I've stated previously in the first post on this blog, my mom has been one of the biggest influences on me when it has come to music. Both her and my pops raised me around good music. They even (from what I'm told) intentionally made my initials C.C.R. as a head nod to Creedence Clearwater Revival.Which is pretty dope.

While my parents have many similar interests in music, they also have rather distinct differences. My pops tends to enjoy more southern, country influenced rock. His favorite band is ZZ Top if that helps clear things up. Mombomb has a more psychedelic and free-spirited interest. Think of those hippy, groupie, flower clad girls you see in movies or old concert videos hyped and dancing to their favorite bands. Her absolute favorite band is Fleetwood Mac. Or, pretty much every constituent of Fleetwood Mac.

I promised her for her birthday I would throw up a song of her favorite group, which left me with a bit of anxiety. I'll be the first to tell you that I know very little about Fleetwood Mac. I've read most of "Making Rumours" and have of course heard all the great singles like "Go Your Own Way" and the absolute killer "Gold Dust Woman". But my mom’s knowledge of this group transcends the surface of the Fleet’s radio staples.

I wanted to surprise her with a post about her favorite band but had no clue where to start. So I kind of blew it...and just asked her what song she would like me to post. She wavered, and bounced ideas around. It was fun seeing how much more excited she got with each choice. But eventually she wound up with “Frozen Love”, which happens to NOT be a Fleetwood Mac song but a collaboration of two their prominent members: Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham.

 The two had previously participated in a band called Fritz, who wound up playing for the likes of Jefferson Aeroplane, Janis Joplin, and many other prominent acts. Throughout this time in Fritz, Nicks and Buckingham developed a love interest, but the two were apparently pretty competitive when it came to music.

As time went on Nicks and Buckingham decided to focus on their own music and would eventually move to Los Angeles in search of a record deal. Time passed but eventually Polydor Records would put out "Buckingham Nicks". The record didn't go as well as planned and wasn't really met with any sort of commercial success. It did however catch just the right person's ears...Mick Fleetwood, who would eventually invite the two into the classic concord of 70's rock group, Fleetwood Mac.

The last song of the album is "Frozen Love". The longest song on the rather short 35-minute album. It starts off with a familiar tone of Buckingham's guitar ability and eventually gets into some great harmonizing with Stevie. As I listened to the song I couldn't help but notice how much it recognized me of other Fleetwood Mac songs... You might be thinking, "well, duh...they were in the band". But this was before they were in the band and it goes to show just how imperative they were to Fleetwood.  It's an interesting track for sure. Which to me showcases the two's competitive love for one another and their insatiable love for music.

So here ya go MomBomb. This ones for you! I love you and I hope you play this song super loud!


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