Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks "Baby C'mon"

I'm going to try and make these posts a little bit shorter from here on out. I can get carried away.

Have you ever heard a song somewhere and wondered what it was or who it was by? Maybe you were in a store or a watching a movie and a song pops up that you started diggin'. You keep singing it or humming it in your head until you realize, "Damn, I need to know what this is!" But you never found out...

This happened to me with one song in particular. I remember back when I was maybe 16 or 17 there was an "indie music" channel on Sirius Radio called "Left of Center". This song popped on and I was really diggin' the guitar riff in it. For whatever reason I didn't look in time to see what song it was. The only thing from the song that I could remember was this dude singing, "Baby C'mon!"

I kept listening day-after-day and keeping my ears (and eyes) peeled for this song. But I never heard it played again. I was bummed. I remember searching online, googling the completely broad lyrics of "Baby C'mon" to no avail.

So I eventually went for a stab in the dark and figured I would try to email one of the hosts of the channel. I don't remember who it was or what exactly I said but I remember asking him if he recalled a song where a dude kept saying "Baby C'mon!" and played a cool riff.

To my surprise I got a response! I don't remember exactly how he replied but he did know what song I was referencing. You'll never guess what the song was called...

"Baby C'mon" by Stephen Malkmus (lead singer of Pavement) and The Jicks. Go figure...


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