Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band “Night Moves”

Everyone’s got em. The summer jams.

You know those songs you reserve until the heat settles in and the sun is is out? The ones that encapsulate everything about summer. What is it about those songs that fit the mold? What makes those songs worthy of our commutes from work or our road-trip soundtracks? Though they are different for everyone, they all seem to share the same qualities: up-beat and positive. They evoke happiness, fun, and peace. 

Now, this is by no means the “formula” for good “summer songs”. But from my interactions with others they normally mention songs that have one or more of those qualities.

Perhaps you have music that reminds you of past summers or experiences during that time of the year. Are they happy? Do they have those same qualities? Maybe some of you  have summer songs that aren’t happy. There are no rules for these things. That’s the beauty of music. Whatever it is that makes songs “summer songs” , one this is for sure; it’s all completely personal. 

I remember when I was in high school and was very particular about music. I had music reserved for rainy days, music for late-night drives, snow, storms. In fact, I was so wrapped up in the environmental aspect of music that I would literally wait until a sunny day to listen to new albums I bought. I was afraid that if I listened to new music when it was raining out that I would associate the music to rainy days when I listened to it in the future.  Crazy huh? I’ve since moved past that and can now enjoy all types of music during any kind of weather. 

There's music that good no matter what the circumstances are. Like "Night Moves" by Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band. Though it is one of my "summer staples" I just can't help but feel optimistic when I'm listening to this song. Singin' about an old young love in that raspy voice of his. You know from the intro alone that it's a sunny jammer.

Ole' Seger even gives summer a shout out...

"In the sweet, summertime"



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