Comets on Fire "Blue Tomb"

Have you ever listened to a song that had a melody or riff that you just couldn't get enough of? You could have it playing on loop and it would never get old. And sometimes the actual song doesn't play that section you want to hear long enough. Frustrating huh?

Sometimes I get so into a melody that I just want to chew on it. For as long as I can. I love getting lost and just completely smothered by a groovy melody. A great example of this is Comets on Fire's "Blue Tomb", the last track off of their flawless album "Blue Cathedral".

I must warn you though, Comets on Fire is probably one of the most erratic and spontaneous bands out there. You may find yourself worn out from what all is going on in their music. But if you allow them to conquer your ears and let everything seep in, you wont regret it. I promise. This is pure psychedelic music.

"Blue Tomb" starts off with one of the most ear-tugging guitar riffs I have ever heard. And to my fortune it plays the hell out of that riff for basically the whole song. It's no secret that they want to force feed you this groove. This whole song is centered around it.

Comets on Fire's music may be related to free form jazz. There's crazy effects and the guitars just all seeming to do their own thing. But it is all very much intended and all apart of the atmosphere the band is wanting you to explore. You can hear this in their long intro to "Blue Tomb".

You get a good four and a half minutes of this. But at that point they break away and Ethan Miller comes screamin' in with these soaring delayed vocals. It's seriously one of the most bad-ass transitions.

I will admit, you're going to need some patience for this one. But like I said earlier, if you let your ears focus on their music you can really enjoy this spastic jam they have so beautifully created.



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