King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard "Big Fig Wasp"

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. The seven member group of rockers from Melbourne, Australia. I've been waiting for this one.

It took quite some time to choose a song of theirs. At this point in their career they are up to 12 full length albums in just five years. Pretty wild huh? In fact, four of those albums came out this year alone, with a fifth comin before the end of the year. Yep, and all of them are unique; one of them, Flying Microtonal Banana, features microtones, the often unheard weirder notes in music that requires a special tuning.

King Gizzard have been on a quest. They are an ever-changing band that are driven to explore the depths of music; all the while allowing fans to join in on the journey. For example, their last album, Polygondwanaland, is free here on their Bandcamp page. Not only that but upon release of the fourth album they stated publicly, “Ever wanted to start your own record label? GO for it! Employ your mates, press wax, pack boxes. We do not own this record. You do. Go forth, share, enjoy.“ They have always  seemed to be about their fans and have always maintained a surprising dynamic with them.

With every album they put  out you can guarantee you’ll hear something completely different from the band. The first album that I listened to was Nonagon Infinity; a continuous album that never ends. Every song on the album blends right into the next song. The last song plays right into the first song on the album. So one could essentially have the album on continuous loop for...well, forever. When I first listened to this monster of an album I couldn’t even tell when some of the songs ended and the next began.

Much like their U.S friends Thee Oh Sees, or Oh Sees now, their discography can seem daunting. So I finally settled on probably my favorite song off of Nonagon Infinity "Big Fig Wasp". The song starts off right where "Robot Stop" left off, pulsating and relentless.

Get down with King Gizzard and the Lizard wizard. You won't regret it.


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