Metallica "Seek and Destroy"

Metallica humiliated me. One song single-handedly humbled me into admitting the one thing I never thought I would admit; Metallica is pretty damn good.

It's true. Ever since I first knew of them I hated on them. Throughout middle-school, high-school, and college I addressed them as stale, thin, butt-rockers who had no idea of what metal was.

But the truth slowly crept in and smacked my snobby ass square in the face... I had no idea of what metal was.

It all started with a little song called “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. I remember my co-worker playing it. I instantly knew who it was but just waived it off. But after that gnarly intro and the unforgettable chorus followed by the cymbal syncopated lyrics of "time marches on!" . I gave in. And I immediately started floating through some of their earlier albums.  Which led me to “Kill ‘Em All”.

“Kill ‘Em All” is thrash metal at its finest. The guitars are sharp, the drums are fast, and James Hetfield's vocals are young and angry. This is especially true on "Seek and Destroy". The terror-filled intro comes out of the gate quick and eventually turns into that classic Metallica chug that I can't get enough of. There's also a killer solo halfway through.

If your opinion was anything like mine was, I beseech you to give them another shot. Dont' miss out on the metal maniacs like I did.



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