
Showing posts from December 8, 2017

Kevin Morby "Slow Train"

"Waitin' on a train, that's already come" Ever have one of those days where you feel like you just can't get ahead? Nothing is going right. You're overwhelmed and second guessing yourself? I know I have. I've had plenty. And apparently so has Kevin Morby. Morby admits early in the song "I am lost, all around, I am barely, on the ground" as if he is in world of confusion and unsure of where he is going. He waits on the platform for this "slow train" only to find out that it "already came". Bummer. But why is he waiting for this slow train? Why is he " waiting out the rain, waiting for the sun "? Because he knows that things change. Things eventually get better if you allow them to. "Slow Train" may be a lonely tune, but it plays out like a sigh of relief; a shoulder to lean on, if you will. It's a good reminder that everyone goes through shit. Everyone second-guesses themselves. And ever