
Showing posts from November 18, 2017

Girls "Darling"

Chills, man. It's all about those chills. You know what I'm talking about? No? Those chills. Those moments when you are so engulfed by the composition you are listening to that your emotions get the better of you. Those chills set in and you can't help but feel overwhelmed. You can't exactly explain why. Maybe it's the grandiose sound, the layers of instruments, or maybe it's the lyrics. Or perhaps it's just where you happen to be; driving home during a killer sunset or driving through the mountains on a road trip. Whatever it is it just hits you and you feel taken by the music. This is what makes music. This is my favorite thing about music. Throughout this blog I will reference these "chills". There are tons of songs and moments that make me fill this way. Sometimes they don't. It all depends on how I am feeling or where I'm at. Today I was driving home throwing on some old tunes that I remember listening to around this time