
Showing posts from December 25, 2017

Appleseed Cast "On Reflection"

This may be a little corny. Just a warning. Many, many years ago I had a role model. I regarded him in just about everything I did: during middle school, during high school, and even a while after into college. The clothes I wore, the way I acted, and the music I listened to were all heavily influenced by one individual who lived hours away. Ever since I was child, maybe seven or eight years old, my cousin Kirk was the coolest person on the planet to me. Kirk, and his brother David were always the reason I looked forward to visiting Texas. I was very young and very, very shy around both of them. They had the coolest clothes, played video games, had cars, and were super funny. I remember anticipating in nervousness as we neared their home in Mt. Pleasant, TX, desperately preparing subjects to talk about when and if I had the chance to talk to either of them. Being in their early 20’s when I was maybe 13 or so, they were usually busy throughout the week due to work, school, and jus

Christmas Island "29"

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you all have time to spend with your loved ones or just have a great day in general. I couldn't really think of an interesting song I knew about Christmas that I wanted to post. But I did recall this fun lil trebly jangler called "29" by...get this... CHRISTMAS island! That's fun huh? Well anyways, this song has always put me in a good mood and hopefully it does for you too. Hope your Christmas is great! Love ya all!