
Showing posts from December 21, 2017

Hooded Fang “Bye Bye Land”

Don’t you love rediscovering music; tunes that somehow get swept under the rug and forgotten? It may be weeks, months, or even years until they get uncovered again. Maybe an old mix cd is found or you cruise through old playlists. That surprise of hearing that old song you used to play on repeat is a pretty great feeling and almost always met with an exclamation such as, “I forgot all about this song!” or “I used to love this band!” I remember when I was younger and was completely obsessed with saving every ounce of music I came across. Anytime I would grab a new CD it would be instantly placed in my iTunes library and saved to my computer. If I had downloaded the album then it would be burned to a blank CD. I had to have a physical and digital copy of everything. Not only that; I had to have the artist, song title, and artist credited to everything. One night my dad walked by and asked why I had so much music on there and if I really listened to it all. My response had everythin